When it comes to early childhood education, there are a lot of myths because there are a lot of misconceptions. Young parents are simply not aware of what early childhood education really means. We are going to try clearing the air a little bit to help you take your first steps into early childhood education.
1. Money is Everything
One of the most popular myths is that people believe that the higher you pay for your child’s education, the better the learning outcome would be. We suppose you are trying to correlate money with the value of service, but that is far from the reality. The myth arises due to the fact that a lot of people are looking to make a quick buck at your expense by talking a big game but deliver a mediocre service. You may end up shelling a lot of money for something that is very redundant, and in a lot of cases, the best schemes are priced at market average. So we suggest that you look into the plan that they are proposing and see whether it is actually going to develop your child.
2. High Tech Facilities
This myth is somewhat related to the first one. A lot of people believe that state of the art facilities and expert professional are required for your child’s developmental education. But a lot of experts in the field of early childhood education have stated that a well thought out family-based system is better since the child will get undivided attention from people he or she has a lot of faith in. We suppose time is a big factor when it comes to this and our suggestion would be to look into certified professionals who deal with one individual child at a time. Such a plan may look expensive up front, but in the long run, it will greatly benefit your child. Because studies have proven that children in their early years need a lot of one on one interaction to help them out and a facility may not be the ideal location to get such an interaction.
3. Babysitters as well
Your childcare centre or your certified early education teacher is not your babysitter who you can call any time of the day to take care of your child. For example, you cannot ring them up at 7 pm and expect them to take care of your child because you want to go for dinner; that is not how this whole thing works out. Unless you are willing to pay extra and they have time on their hands, you cannot equate the two and justify it. So don’t be surprised if they deny or turn you down.